Blue Cycle

Mussel farming waste management from Thermaikos Gulf

In March, as part of the Plastic Busters MPAs program funded by MIO-ECSDE, the pilot action “Establishing a derelict fishing gear management scheme and promoting co-responsibility to tackle fisheries & aquaculture-related litter”, carried out and coordinated by the environmental organization iSea, was launched in collaboration with the Management Authority of Thermaikos Gulf Protected Areas and BlueCycle.

Focusing on the waste from the mussel farms that are active in the area and in collaboration with the Mussel Farm Association of Delta Municipality, the Municipality of Delta and the Management Authority of Axios Delta, the necessary sampling was done and we proceeded to the next step.

Approximately 7.5 tons of plastic waste from mussel farms have been removed from the area of ​​Chalastra and now they are in the facilities of BlueCylce, in order to be properly treated and recycled in our laboratory in Piraeus.

This is an action with a great environmental impact for the region, which will continue with the consolidation of the process for the collection of this waste, which is generated by companies that have been successfully operating in the field of mussel farming in the area of Thermaikos for years.

Find more on the Plastic Busters MPAs pilot actions here.